More information on Belgium:
BELGIUM – A member of the EU (source EU)
BELGIUM – A statistical profile (source EU)
Belgium foreign trade agency (abh-ace)
Belgian Chambers (Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce)
Beci (Brussels Enterprises Commerce & Industry) - a member of Belgian Chambers
AWEX - Wallonia Export-Investment Agency
FIT - Flanders Investment & Trade
hub.brussels (Brussels Enterprise Support Agency, includes former BIE – Brussels Invest & Export )
Embassy of Belgium in Portugal
Focus on Belgium (government website designed to present Belgium)
About Belgium - belgium.be (official information and services)
Belgium in numbers (source: Statbel)
Information on doing business in Belgium (government website)
Belgium at a glance (pdf brochure, also exists in portuguese, french, etc)
Information on trade between Belgium & Portugal:
Overview of the foreign trade in Belgium and Portugal (jun2019, pdf; source abh-ace)