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CCPB presently has 15 Directors who, as per the CCBP by-laws, all are pro-bono Directors.
The Board of Directors meets quarterly under the Presidency of Rui Faria da Cunha.
A sub-group of 5 Directors volunteered to form the Bureau which meets monthly.
António Buscardini | Buscardini Communications
Beatriz Soares Carneiro | Eupportunity
Duarte Mira | Confederação dos Agricultores de Portugal
Frederico Cardigos
João André | Linkare IT
João Gusmão
João Lança | Azores Representation Office in Brussels
Kathleen Figueiredo Laissy - NOVO MUNDO INC
Phillipe Borremans | Group S
Pierre Poncelet | Solvay
pIEt Haerens | Haedes BV
Rui Faria da Cunha | EU-Legal
Teresa Presas | Magellan
Theodoros Koutroubas
Vagner Pinto Morais | BGT Consulting Group
Members of Bureau
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